Complaint Handling Principles
Providers are expected to follow these general principles when receiving a complaint from a consumer
- Provide a formalised complaints handling process which is easy to access and which all staff should be aware of. The process should be appropriate for the size of the organisation.
- The complaint handling process should be easily accessible on the provider’s website and at the premises of the provider. The process should be available in English and Maltese. The process may be only provided in English if the provider’s clientele is not Maltese. The process may need to be translated into different languages, depending on the provider’s clientele.
- Nominate a senior member of staff, such as the compliance officer, to be responsible for ensuring that the complaints handling process works in a fair and proper manner.
- When a complaint is received it should be acknowledged and dealt with within 15 working days (around three weeks) from the complaint’s receipt.
- Take all reasonable steps to resolve the matter before it is referred to the OAFS.
- A final letter, outlining the outcome of the provider's review of the complaint, should be sent to the complainant by not later than 15 working days (around three weeks) from the complaint's receipt. The complainant must also be informed that s/he has a right to complain to the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services (OAFS). Mailing and electronic addresses, and contact numbers of the OAFS should be provided.
- Keep robust records of all documents and information gathered by staff members entrusted with handling complaints and not only of the complaints received.
- Providers are also expected to adhere fully to any rules, directives, or guidelines which the Malta Financial Services Authority may issue from time to time.
There is no charge for submitting a complaint with the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services and our services are completely free.