Submit a complaint
The Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services can consider complaints from consumers (individuals and micro-enterprises) against financial services providers licensed by the Malta Financial Services Authority, the financial regulator in Malta.
Some housekeeping before you start the online complaint process
The online form requires around 30 minutes to compile, depending on the extent of advance preparations you have made to build your case. In this regard, allow sufficient time to compile it. You may be able to save the form at each step of the process. However, if you fail to go back to your form within thirty days from saving it, all information and uploaded files will be automatically deleted for data protection purposes and you would need to commence the process afresh.
Please submit your complaint and supporting documents in Maltese or English. If you have supporting documents in another language, we may ask you to provide an English translation. We'll guide you through the process after you submit your complaint.
The online facility is only available if you are the sole complainant or if the complaint is being made by a micro-enterprise.
At this stage, we may be able to accept online complaints if lodged by two or more persons (such as for a joint bank account or a joint insurance policy) as long as the complaint form is printed and signed by the complainants and physically delivered to us (by mail or by hand). Please follow the instructions as provided once you arrive at the last stage of the process.
Other than your personal details, we would require the following details:
- Name of the provider against whom you are complaining.
If you are unsure who your provider is, click here to check. - Name of the product or service you are complaining about.
- A description and the reason(s) for your complaint. You should concisely and clearly describe your complaint and why you feel the financial services provider has let you down. Think of it as telling a story to someone; you need to convey the details in your own words from your perspective.
- The remedy that you are seeking. Clearly describe what you are expecting from the financial services provider. Specify the amount if you are requesting monetary compensation. You need to support your request with a calculation that explains how you arrived at your expected amount.
We would also be asking you to attach scanned copies (preferably in PDF format and 8mb maximum upload file size for each document) of the following:
- The letter of complaint submitted to your provider. Allow not less than 15 working days for its reply.
- Your provider’s reply. The provider may notify you of a longer response time than 15 working days, but in any case, it cannot exceed 35 working days from the receipt of your complaint.
- Brochures and any other relevant documentation relating to the product you are complaining about.
- Any other documentation in support of your complaint.
When you submit your complaint online, you will receive an automated receipt. Your submission will be pending until it is processed by one of our officers.
Our emails originate from the domain: Please add this domain to your Safe Senders list to ensure our emails do not land in your junk folder.
If you meet all of the above requirements and have all the afore mentioned documentation and information, you can proceed to start your submission.
You must be logged in to submit a complaint
If you have a Maltese E-ID, you can click here to start
If you don’t wish to use, or you don’t have access to, the E-ID system, click here to create your account.
If you already have an account, click here to login