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Arbiter's Decisions

You can search for decisions delivered by the Arbiter for Financial Services and judgements delivered by the Court of Appeal (Civil, Inferior) for those decisions that have been appealed.

You may refine your search as wanted by the name of the financial services provider, the language of the decision, the decision year, decision date from/to, the sector, decision outcome, and whether the decision has been appealed or not. If you select by sector (e.g. 'Banking'), you may filter down your choice by selecting issue (e.g. 'Charges') and/or product (e.g. 'Cards'). Please browse the drop-down filters on the left-hand side.

The database of Arbiter's decisions is updated periodically. In accordance with the OAFS policy, complainants' names in such decisions are pseudonymised (the actual names are replaced by unrelated alphabetical references).

The remit of the Arbiter for Financial Services is to investigate and adjudicate complaints lodged by eligible complainants (individuals and micro-enterprises) against financial services providers who are licensed or authorised by the Maltese financial services regulator. When cases are referred to the Arbiter and a decision is issued, such a decision is binding on both parties.

Either party can request the Arbiter for clarification or correction to any computation, clerical, typographical, or similar errors within 15 days from the delivery of a decision. Decisions may be upheld in full, partially upheld, or rejected, and may be appealed by any of the parties.

As to the Court of Appeal (Civil, Inferior) judgements, we refer to the Court Services Agency's eCourts website ( for the relevant case reference numbers and appeal judgements. Information about appealed decisions on our website is updated periodically. However, such information should always be cross-checked with the eCourts website as we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to its completeness, accuracy or reliability.

Please get in touch with us through our “Contact us” page if you come across any broken links or other incorrect information.Thank you.

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ASF case reference Financial Service Provider Outcome Date of Arbiter's Decision Appeal Court reference
ASF 070/2017 All Invest Company Limited Upheld by Arbiter 06/05/2019 Not Appealed
ASF 471/2016 All Invest Company Limited Upheld by Arbiter 06/05/2019 Not Appealed
ASF 127/2017 Crystal Finance Investments Limited Not Upheld 17/04/2019 Not Appealed
ASF 067/2017 Bank of Valletta plc Not Upheld 17/04/2019 Not Appealed
ASF 372/2016 Bank of Valletta plc Not Upheld 17/04/2019 Not Appealed
ASF 128/2017 Crystal Finance Investments Limited Upheld by Arbiter 17/04/2019 036/2019
ASF 104/2017 Crystal Finance Investments Limited Not Upheld 25/03/2019 Not Appealed
ASF 051/2017 GlobalCapital Financial Management Limited Upheld by Arbiter 25/03/2019 Not Appealed
ASF 474/2016 MCM Global Opportunities Fund SICAV plc Upheld by Arbiter 25/03/2019 Not Appealed
ASF 086/2017 All Invest Company Limited Upheld by Arbiter 25/03/2019 Not Appealed
ASF 085/2017 All Invest Company Limited Upheld by Arbiter 25/03/2019 Not Appealed
ASF 005/2017 Michael Grech Financial Investment Services Limited Not Upheld 12/03/2019 Not Appealed
ASF 073/2018 Bank of Valletta plc Upheld by Arbiter 12/03/2019 025/2019
ASF 120/2017 Mapfre Middlesea plc Partially Upheld by Arbiter 12/03/2019 Not Appealed
ASF 120/2017 Bank of Valletta plc Partially Upheld by Arbiter 12/03/2019 Not Appealed
ASF 080/2017 Crystal Finance Investments Limited Upheld by Arbiter 20/02/2019 18/2019
ASF 084/2018 Bank of Valletta plc Upheld by Arbiter 20/02/2019 020/2019
ASF 088/2018 Bank of Valletta plc Upheld by Arbiter 20/02/2019 021/2019
ASF 063/2018 Bank of Valletta plc Upheld by Arbiter 20/02/2019 022/2019
ASF 490/2016 Crystal Finance Investments Limited Upheld by Arbiter 20/02/2019 Not Appealed